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Wuzhong District leaders visited our company to investigate the development of the biopharmaceutical industry

Release date: 2020-12-09

 On the afternoon of May 6 (Wednesday), district leaders Li Chaoyang and Zhang Huaqian led a team including the district government office, National Development and Reform Commission, Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Science and Technology Bureau, Market Supervision Bureau, Emergency Management Bureau and the main leaders of the development zone to Xishan Central Scientific research on the development of biomedicine.

    Song Hongyu, chairman of the company, and Zheng Xia, head of the organization, led a tour of the laboratory and introduced in detail the current technological development and operations. District Mayor Li and his party listened to the report of Xishan Zhongke in detail and said that the development of the biopharmaceutical industry is the general trend at present. Enterprises must seize the opportunity to provide higher-quality public technical services to the majority of pharmaceutical companies and continuously promote industrial technological progress.

    Xishan Zhongke will uphold the Suzhou spirit of "open innovation", give full play to its supporting role in medical research and development, promote collaborative innovation among medical research enterprises, and continue to add support to the creation of "China's Pharmaceutical Valley"!

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